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Identifier d007p001b005
ContributorAmerican Woman's League
ContributorLewis Publishing Company (University City, Mo.)
Description“The American Woman’s League Its plan and purpose” was published in 1909 as a promotional brochure for the League. It includes the stated purpose of the League and outlines membership requirements. Also included is a list of “Class A” publications which the women could sell to receive credit toward their $52 memberships. Men could become honorary members of the League by paying $20 or selling $20 in subscriptions. A similar brochure with the same title was published in early 1911.
PublisherUniversity City Public Library
SourceCream textured stock printed in black ink; cover dirty and stained; holes and rust stains from staples; 8 pages; 3.95" by 9" folded size
SubjectAmerican Woman's League
Subject.KeywordWomen's societies and clubs
TitleThe American Woman's League, Its plan and purpose

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